Sunday, December 11, 2011


This company in Australia has some of the best essential oils and herbal extractions in the world.  I healed my hand after it being battered and bruised in one evening with the Arnica ointment.


Smell the Secret Seducer

Each of us have a personal scent or body odour, an olfactory chip.  Pheromones are present in all of us.  What matters in the body scent is the sum of all odours given off by a person.

Body odours or our olfactory chip are connected with race and upbringing, eating habits, hygiene and living conditions...values seen as the aggregate "+#chemosphere™".  We can recognize another by their body smell.

Choosing the right perfume is totally unique and individual and some scents just don't work with our particular body scent.    When I use rose or light geranium people go crazy...yet when my girlfriend wears the same mix, people turn their nose up and ask "what is that smell, smells like mosquito repellant".

Making a personalized scent is the way to go.   Finding the perfect blend.

Today I made myself an Asian inspired scent to warm and sit next to my heart.

Let me know if you are interested in your own blend from my Company Faith and Science. Each recipe will be stored with your personal number.. get your potion and number for life.

Happy Holidays
Faith and Science