Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shed some skin go and glow!

What is it about those clear days?  The days when the sun is the brightest, the sky is the bluest, or the clarity one feels after a sadness leaves, something lifts off us to reveal more of who we really are.  A rebirth of sorts, a new you or the old you underneath the pinning and trappings of what you thought you should be?

Summer is here so shed some skin on the outside to match your clear beauty on the inside.

This skin remedy of the day is suitable for both body and face.

Two cups crushed adzuki beans (blend dry beans until fine and grainy)
Add a favorite essential oil (today I chose a deep forest Juniper - rich, viscous and soft to the skin)
1/4 cup Organic virgin coconut oil.
5 drops calendular oil
squeeze of lemon juice

Scrub body and face before showering... after shower...turn to completely cold.   Refresh and close pores... this also builds a healthy immune system, winter, spring, summer and fall.

Go and glow!