Faith and Science is the name of my perfume and product line. It is based on the historical scents of the past. I was always fascinated with the recipes of Napoleon and Josephine.  He may have been a tyrant but he really had great taste in perfumery.  My perfume is made from 100% pure plant extractions in a base of organic grape seed alchohol.   These infusions are made over a period of weeks to stabilize and become truly magnificent and unique. 

Right my focus  is on custom scent. I survey your taste via your favourite scent. Through asking a  series of questions such as your favorite olfactory triggers winter, summer or spring. I may ask whether you like woods, floral or citrus flavors and notes, we may go into a little bit of what you do not like, for instance the smell of the old boathouse etc.. If I have worked with you physically I can throw in a little information your body and soul passed on to me, what I call the magic mystery element.

Your recipe is stored in the data base library and you get your own number and perfume name for life. Why not a little posterity for good measure. 

Here is an example based on an old sixties song "Karina Love Potion No 9" No two people will have the same scent, no other person will have access to your recipe from the secret kitchen. You are unique and your perfume should reflect that!

Your signature scent will then be bottled in a unique glass antique perfume bottle. 

Pre orders are the way I work and pricing depends upon the crop and batch costs and quality of the oils used.  The order will take up to six weeks before delivery due to the production process. 

For educational purposes only: Rose is very expensive and orange oil is very inexpensive due to both the crop yields and the way the oils are extracted. It takes hundreds of roses to make a very tiny batch of oil. Oranges are common and plenty.  Oil of orange  is easy to extract.


  1. This is my brand. A blend of history, alchemy and beauty. My scent is your personal number and recipe for life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I added Faith and Science for my wedding party +#The Happiest Day of My Life

  4. Thank you for including us in the happiest day of your life! #F & S special scent No 25 "Something New"


+#hayesCloud™ | #TRSN™